
top 10 issues

Income inequality and wealth redistribution: I believe in addressing income inequality by implementing progressive tax policies, increasing the minimum wage, and providing access to quality education and job opportunities for all. Amen

Healthcare reform and access to affordable healthcare: I advocate for a universal healthcare system that ensures access to affordable and comprehensive healthcare for every individual, focusing on preventive care, reducing costs, and eliminating profit-driven healthcare. Amen.

Climate change and environmental conservation: I believe there is an urgent need for aggressive action to combat climate change, including transitioning to renewable energy sources, implementing carbon pricing mechanisms, and investing in sustainable infrastructure and technology. Amen.

Racial injustice and police brutality: I am an advocate for systemic reforms to address racial injustice and police brutality, including demilitarizing the police, implementing community policing, promoting police accountability, and investing in programs that address root causes of crime. Amen

Immigration policy and border control: I support comprehensive immigration reform that provides a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, while also strengthening border security and improving the legal immigration system to ensure fairness and efficiency.

Corporate influence in politics: I hereby call for campaign finance reform, stricter regulations on lobbying, and transparency measures to reduce corporate influence in politics and level the playing field for all candidates. I also support term limits for Congress! AMEN!

LGBTQ+ rights and same-sex marriage: As a proud member of the LGBT community, I strongly support LGBTQ+ rights, including marriage equality, nondiscrimination protections, and comprehensive legal recognition of gender identity, advocating for equal treatment under the law and societal acceptance. Amen.

Gun control and Second Amendment rights: I believe in implementing comprehensive background checks, closing loopholes in gun sales, promoting responsible gun ownership, and focusing on mental health support to balance Second Amendment rights with public safety. Amen.

Women’s reproductive rights and abortion access: I support a woman’s right to choose and access to safe and legal abortion services, along with comprehensive sex education, affordable contraception, and ensuring healthcare coverage for reproductive health services. Amen.

Government surveillance and privacy rights: I am an advocate for stronger privacy protections, judicial oversight of surveillance programs, limiting bulk data collection, and ensuring transparency and accountability in government surveillance practices. Amen.

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